Yanyan Sheng
Affiliations: | Educational Psychology | Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Carbondale, IL |
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Ptukhin Y, Sheng Y. (2019) Comparing two maximum likelihood algorithms for mixture Rasch models Behaviormetrika. 46: 101-119 |
Sheng Y. (2017) Editorial: Fitting Psychometric Models: Issues and New Developments. Frontiers in Psychology. 8: 856 |
Sheng Y. (2017) Investigating a Weakly Informative Prior for Item Scale Hyperparameters in Hierarchical 3PNO IRT Models. Frontiers in Psychology. 8: 123 |
Kuo TC, Sheng Y. (2016) A Comparison of Estimation Methods for a Multi-unidimensional Graded Response IRT Model. Frontiers in Psychology. 7: 880 |
Beaujean AA, Hull DM, Sheng Y, et al. (2016) Psychometric Properties of the Shipley Block Design Task: A Study With Jamaican Young Adults Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 35: 506-520 |
Kuo T, Sheng Y. (2015) Bayesian Estimation Of A Multi-Unidimensional Graded Response Irt Model Behaviormetrika. 42: 79-94 |
Loh CS, Sheng Y. (2015) Measuring the (dis-)similarity between expert and novice behaviors as serious games analytics Education and Information Technologies. 20: 5-19 |
Sheng Y, Welling WS, Zhu MM. (2014) A GPU-Based Gibbs Sampler for a Unidimensional IRT Model. International Scholarly Research Notices. 2014: 368149-368149 |
Loh CS, Sheng Y. (2014) Maximum Similarity Index (MSI) Computers in Human Behavior. 39: 322-330 |
Headrick TC, Sheng Y. (2013) A PROPOSED MEASURE OF INTERNAL CONSISTENCY RELIABILITY: COEFFICIENT L-alpha Behaviormetrika. 40: 57-68 |