Priscilla Norton

Education George Mason University, Washington, DC 
Technology of Education, Multimedia Communications
"Priscilla Norton"


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Anne McCracken grad student 2000 George Mason
Monique C. Lynch grad student 2003 George Mason
Penelope N. Ross grad student 2003 George Mason
William R. Warrick grad student 2005 George Mason
Stacy A. Connors grad student 2006 George Mason
Nancy J. Robert grad student 2006 George Mason
Keith David Reeves grad student 2004-2006 George Mason
Janis S. Streich grad student 2007 George Mason
Nancy I. Foote grad student 2008 George Mason
Anne M. Little grad student 2008 George Mason
Chonda L. Sanders grad student 2008 George Mason
Carlos G. Cenzon grad student 2009 George Mason
Barbara M. Daniels grad student 2009 George Mason
Dawn M. Hathaway grad student 2009 George Mason
Michele Schmidt Moore grad student 2009 George Mason
Ann W. Drobnis grad student 2010 George Mason
Amie Weinberg grad student 2010 George Mason
Barbara Gruber grad student 2011 George Mason
Sylvia Perez-Fasano grad student 2011 George Mason
Julie Thill grad student 2011 George Mason
Jeannette R. Shaffer grad student 2012 George Mason
Ellen M. Nosal grad student 2013 George Mason
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Norton P, Sprague D. (2014) Timber Lane Technology Tales Journal of Computing in Teacher Education. 19: 40-60
Norton P, Hathaway D. (2012) Lessons from the ITS program: Five design strategies on which to build technology-rich teacher education Developing Technology-Rich Teacher Education Programs: Key Issues. 13-27
Hathaway D, Norton P. (2012) An Exploratory Study Comparing Two Modes of Preparation for Online Teaching. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education. 28: 146-152
Norton P, Hathaway D. (2008) Exploring Two Teacher Education Online Learning Designs: A Classroom of One or Many? Journal of Research On Technology in Education. 40: 475-495
Norton P, Hathaway D. (2008) On Its Way to K–12 Classrooms, Web 2.0 Goes to Graduate School Computers in the Schools. 25: 163-180
Norton P, Gonzales C. (1998) Regional Educational Technology Assistance Initiative—Phase II Journal of Research On Computing in Education. 31: 25-48
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