Seth A. Parsons

Education George Mason University, Washington, DC 
Secondary Education, Reading Education, English as a Second Language Education
"Seth Parsons"
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Parsons SA, Gallagher MA, Leggett AB, et al. (2020) An Analysis of 15 Journals’ Literacy Content, 2007–2016: Journal of Literacy Research. 52: 341-367
Ives ST, Parsons SA, Parsons AW, et al. (2020) Elementary Students’ Motivation to Read and Genre Preferences Reading Psychology. 41: 660-679
Ankrum JW, Morewood AL, Parsons SA, et al. (2020) Documenting Adaptive Literacy Instruction: The Adaptive Teaching Observation Protocol (ATOP) Reading Psychology. 41: 71-86
Gallagher MA, Parsons SA, Vaughn M. (2020) Adaptive teaching in mathematics: a review of the literature Educational Review. 1-23
Vaughn M, Parsons SA, Massey D. (2020) Aligning the Science of Reading With Adaptive Teaching Reading Research Quarterly. 55
Parsons AW, Parsons SA, Malloy JA, et al. (2018) Upper Elementary Students’ Motivation to Read Fiction and Nonfiction Elementary School Journal. 118: 505-523
Parsons SA, Malloy JA, Parsons AW, et al. (2018) Sixth-grade students’ engagement in academic tasks Journal of Educational Research. 111: 232-245
Parsons SA, Vaughn M, Scales RQ, et al. (2017) Teachers' Instructional Adaptations: A Research Synthesis. Review of Educational Research. 88: 3465431774319
Vaughn M, Parsons SA, Scales RQ, et al. (2017) Envisioning Our Practice: Examining and Interpreting Pedagogical Visions of Four Early Career Teacher Educators The New Educator. 13: 251-270
Vaughn M, Parsons SA, Keyes C, et al. (2017) A multiple case study of teachers’ visions and reflective practice Reflective Practice. 18: 526-539
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