Owen R. Lightsey

Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Research The University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, United States 
Clinical Psychology, Counseling Psychology
"Owen Lightsey"
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Lightsey OR. (2024) Does Self-Efficacy for Affect Regulation Predict Lower Neuroticism? Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy. 38: 65-77
Lightsey OR, Smith BN. (2023) Resilience, Generalized Self-Efficacy, and Mindfulness as Moderators of the Relationship Between Stress and Well-Being. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy
Lightsey OR, Boyraz G, Ervin A, et al. (2014) Generalized self-efficacy, positive cognitions, and negative cognitions as mediators of the relationship between conscientiousness and meaning in life Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science. 46: 436-445
Wang MC, Lightsey OR, Tran KK, et al. (2013) Examining suicide protective factors among black college students. Death Studies. 37: 228-47
Lightsey OR, Gharibian Gharghani G, Katz AM, et al. (2013) Positive Automatic Cognitions Mediate the Relationship Between Personality and Trait Positive Affect Journal of Happiness Studies. 14: 115-134
Lightsey OR, McGhee R, Ervin A, et al. (2013) Self-Efficacy for Affect Regulation as a Predictor of Future Life Satisfaction and Moderator of the Negative Affect-Life Satisfaction Relationship Journal of Happiness Studies. 14: 1-18
Boyraz G, Lightsey OR. (2012) Can positive thinking help? Positive automatic thoughts as moderators of the stress-meaning relationship. The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 82: 267-77
Lightsey OR, Johnson E, Freeman P. (2012) Can positive thinking reduce negative affect? A test of potential mediating mechanisms Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy. 26: 71-88
Lightsey OR, Maxwell DA, Nash TM, et al. (2011) Self-control and self-efficacy for affect regulation as moderators of the negative affect-life satisfaction relationship Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy. 25: 142-154
Lightsey OR, Boyraz G. (2011) Do positive thinking and meaning mediate the positive affect - life satisfaction relationship? Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science. 43: 203-213
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