Kristin L. Gunckel

Teaching and Teacher Education University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 
Teacher Training Education, Sciences Education, Elementary Education
"Kristin Gunckel"
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Gunckel KL. (2019) Repairing Elementary School Science Theory Into Practice. 58: 71-79
Covitt BA, Gunckel KL, Caplan B, et al. (2018) Teachers’ use of learning progression-based formative assessment in water instruction Applied Measurement in Education. 31: 128-142
Gunckel KL, Covitt BA, Salinas I. (2018) Learning progressions as tools for supporting teacher content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge about water in environmental systems Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 55: 1339-1362
Arenas A, Gunckel KL, Smith WL. (2016) 7 Reasons for Accommodating Transgender Students at School. Phi Delta Kappan. 98: 20-24
Gunckel KL, Wood MB. (2015) The Principle-Practical Discourse Edge: Elementary Preservice and Mentor Teachers Working Together on Colearning Tasks Science Education
Salinas I, Covitt BA, Gunckel KL. (2013) Sustancias en el agua: progresiones de aprendizaje para diseñar intervenciones curriculares EducacióN QuíMica. 24: 391-398
Gunckel KL. (2013) Fulfilling multiple obligations: Preservice elementary teachers' use of an instructional model while learning to plan and teach science Science Education. 97: 139-162
Salinas I, Covitt BA, Gunckel KL. (2013) Substances in water: Learning progressions for designing curricular interventions Educacion Quimica. 24: 391-398
Gunckel KL, Covitt BA, Salinas I, et al. (2012) A learning progression for water in socio-ecological systems Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 49: 843-868
Gunckel KL. (2011) Mediators of a Preservice Teacher's Use of the Inquiry-Application Instructional Model Journal of Science Teacher Education. 22: 79-100
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