Alain Batailly

Université de Nantes 
"Alain Batailly"


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Patrice Cartraud grad student 2008 Université de Nantes
 (Simulation de l'interaction rotor/stator pour des turbo-machines aéronautiques en configuration non-accidentelle)
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Nyssen F, Batailly A. (2020) Sensitivity Analysis of Rotor/Stator Interactions Accounting for Wear and Thermal Effects within Low- and High-Pressure Compressor Stages The Coatings. 10: 74
Joachim J, Nyssen F, Batailly A. (2020) Numerical Investigation of a Mistuned Academic Bladed Disk Dynamics with Blade/Casing Contact Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines and Power-Transactions of the Asme
Nyssen F, Tableau N, Lavazec D, et al. (2020) Experimental and numerical characterization of a ceramic matrix composite shroud segment under impact loading Journal of Sound and Vibration. 467: 115040
Lainé J, Piollet E, Nyssen F, et al. (2019) Blackbox Optimization for Aircraft Engine Blades With Contact Interfaces Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines and Power-Transactions of the Asme. 141: 61016
Piollet E, Nyssen F, Batailly A. (2019) Blade/casing rubbing interactions in aircraft engines: Numerical benchmark and design guidelines based on NASA rotor 37 Journal of Sound and Vibration. 460: 114878
Agrapart Q, Nyssen F, Lavazec D, et al. (2019) Multi-physics numerical simulation of an experimentally predicted rubbing event in aircraft engines Journal of Sound and Vibration. 460: 114869
Nyssen F, Batailly A. (2018) Thermo-Mechanical Modeling of Abradable Coating Wear in Aircraft Engines Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines and Power-Transactions of the Asme. 141: 21031
Berthoul B, Batailly A, Stainier L, et al. (2018) Phenomenological modeling of abradable wear in turbomachines Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 98: 770-785
Magnain B, Batailly A, Florentin E. (2017) Adaptive reduced basis strategy dedicated to the solution of nonstationary stochastic thermal problems Computers & Structures. 182: 491-503
Batailly A, Legrand M, Pierre C. (2016) Full Three-Dimensional Rotor/Stator Interaction Simulations in Aircraft Engines With Time-Dependent Angular Speed Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines and Power-Transactions of the Asme. 139: 31202
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