John A. Mueller, Ph.D

1999- Teachers College - Columbia University, New York, NY, United States 
"John Mueller"
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Citarella AI, Mueller JA. (2015) The Correlation between Feminist Identity Development and Psychological Maltreatment in Intimate Relationships among College Students. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice. 52: 327-340
Lee J, Mueller JA. (2014) Student loan debt literacy: A comparison of first-generation and continuing-generation college students Journal of College Student Development. 55: 714-719
Mueller JA. (2012) Understanding the atheist college student: A qualitative examination Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice. 49: 249-266
Mueller JA, Scatena CL. (2012) Multicultural Student Services on Campus: Building Bridges, Re-Visioning Community (review) Journal of College Student Development. 53: 857-859
Pope RL, Mueller JA, Reynolds AL. (2009) Looking Back and Moving Forward: Future Directions for Diversity Research in Student Affairs. Journal of College Student Development. 50: 640-658
Mueller JA, Cole JC. (2009) A Qualitative Examination of Heterosexual Consciousness among College Students. Journal of College Student Development. 50: 320-336
Goodman KM, Mueller JA. (2009) Invisible, marginalized, and stigmatized: Understanding and addressing the needs of atheist students New Directions For Student Services. 2009: 55-63
Pope RL, Mueller JA. (2005) Faculty and curriculum: Examining multicultural competence and inclusion Journal of College Student Development. 46: 679-688
Mueller JA, Pope RL. (2003) The Relationship of Demographic and Experience Variables to White Racial Consciousness Among Student Affairs Practitioners Naspa Journal. 40: 681-703
Belch HA, Mueller JA. (2003) Candidate Pools or Puddles: Challenges and Trends in the Recruitment and Hiring of Resident Directors Journal of College Student Development. 44: 29-46
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