Paulo Blikstein, Ph.D
Affiliations: | 2019- | Teachers College - Columbia University, New York, NY, United States |
"Paulo Blikstein"
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Blikstein P, Kafai Y, Pea R. (2019) Mike Eisenberg: A One of a Kind Pioneer in the Learning Sciences The Journal of the Learning Sciences. 28: 678-684 |
Chan MM, Blikstein P. (2018) Exploring Problem-Based Learning for Middle School Design and Engineering Education in Digital Fabrication Laboratories Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning. 12: 7 |
Fuhrmann T, Schneider B, Blikstein P. (2018) Should students design or interact with models? Using the Bifocal Modelling Framework to investigate model construction in high school science International Journal of Science Education. 40: 867-893 |
Schneider B, Blikstein P. (2018) Tangible User Interfaces and Contrasting Cases as a Preparation for Future Learning. Journal of Science Education and Technology. 27: 369-384 |
Bumbacher E, Salehi S, Wieman C, et al. (2018) Tools for Science Inquiry Learning: Tool Affordances, Experimentation Strategies, and Conceptual Understanding Journal of Science Education and Technology. 27: 215-235 |
Blikstein P, Kabayadondo Z, Martin A, et al. (2017) An Assessment Instrument of Technological Literacies in Makerspaces and FabLabs Journal of Engineering Education. 106: 149-175 |
Hossain Z, Bumbacher EW, Chung AM, et al. (2016) Interactive and scalable biology cloud experimentation for scientific inquiry and education. Nature Biotechnology. 34: 1293-1298 |
Blikstein P, Worsley MAB. (2016) Multimodal Learning Analytics and Education Data Mining: Using computational technologies to measure complex learning tasks Journal of Learning Analytics. 3: 220-238 |
Merceron A, Blikstein P, Siemens G. (2016) Learning Analytics: From Big Data to Meaningful Data Journal of Learning Analytics. 2: 4-8 |
Schneider B, Blikstein P. (2016) Flipping the Flipped Classroom: A Study of the Effectiveness of Video Lectures Versus Constructivist Exploration Using Tangible User Interfaces Ieee Transactions On Learning Technologies. 9: 5-17 |