Robert H. Parsons, Ph.D.

Biology Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, United States 
Amphibian physioogy
"Robert Parsons"
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Ronald H. Alvarado grad student 1963-1969 RPI
Tomuo Hoshiko post-doc 1969-1972 Case Western


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Lynne M. Coluccio grad student RPI (Cell Biology Tree)
Mary S. Rea grad student 2000 RPI
John D. Bullough grad student 2004 RPI
Mariana G. Figueiro grad student 2004 RPI
Silvina Cancelos grad student 2007 RPI
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Cancelos S, Moraga FJ, Lahey RT, et al. (2010) The effect of acoustically-induced cavitation on the permeance of a bullfrog urinary bladder. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 128: 2726-38
Figueiro MG, Bullough JD, Parsons RH, et al. (2005) Preliminary evidence for a change in spectral sensitivity of the circadian system at night. Journal of Circadian Rhythms. 3: 14
Bullough JD, Figueiro MG, Possidente BP, et al. (2005) Additivity in murine circadian phototransduction. Zoological Science. 22: 223-7
Figueiro MG, Bullough JD, Parsons RH, et al. (2004) Preliminary evidence for spectral opponency in the suppression of melatonin by light in humans. Neuroreport. 15: 313-6
Cancelos S, Moraga FJ, Akhatov IS, et al. (2003) The design of acoustic resonant chambers by numerical simulation Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2003. 2233-2236
Rea MS, Bauby H, Babar S, et al. (2002) Effects of nitric oxide and angiotensin II and their interaction on water uptake in Rana catesbeiana. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part a, Molecular & Integrative Physiology. 131: 457-66
Rea MS, Parsons RH. (2001) Evidence of nitric oxide and angiotensin II regulation of circulation and cutaneous drinking in Bufo marinus. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology : Pbz. 74: 127-33
Parsons RH, McDevitt V, Aggerwal V, et al. (1993) Regulation of pelvic patch water flow in Bufo marinus: Role of bladder volume and ANG II American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology. 264: R1260-R1265
Coluccio LM, Brady RJ, Parsons RH. (1983) Pressure effects on the ADH-induced initiation of water flow in toad bladder. The American Journal of Physiology. 244: F547-53
Coluccio LM, Brady RJ, Parsons RH. (1982) Initiation of ADH-induced water flow: Role of microtubules Biophysical Journal. 37: 348a
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