Guus Extra
Affiliations: | Tilburg University, Tilburg, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands |
"Guus Extra"Parents
Sign in to add mentorAlbert Kraak | grad student | 1978 | Radboud University Nijmegen | |
Willem J.M. Levelt | grad student | 1978 | Radboud University Nijmegen (Neurotree) | |
(Nederlands van buitenlanders : Psycholinguïstische aspekten van vreemde-taalverwerving) |
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Extra G, Yagmur K. (2013) Language-rich Europe : Key findings and discussion European Journal of Language Policy. 5: 115-127 |
Ramonienė M, Extra G. (2011) Multilingualism in Lithuanian cities: aims and outcomes of a home language survey in Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda Kalbotyra. 63: 59-77 |
Yağmur K, Extra G. (2011) Urban multilingualism in Europe : Educational responses to increasing diversity Journal of Pragmatics. 43: 1185-1195 |
Extra G, Yağmur K. (2011) Urban multilingualism in Europe: Mapping linguistic diversity in multicultural cities Journal of Pragmatics. 43: 1173-1184 |
Extra G, Yagmur K. (2010) Language proficiency and socio-cultural orientation of Turkish and Moroccan youngsters in the Netherlands Language and Education. 24: 117-132 |
Extra G. (2007) Dealing with new multilingualism in Europe: Immigrant minority languages at home and at school Australian Review of Applied Linguistics. 30 |
Extra G, Mur KY. (2006) Immigrant minority languages at home and at school : A case study of the Netherlands. European Education. 38: 50-63 |
Extra G, Yagmur K. (2005) Sociolinguistic perspectives on emerging multilingualism in urban Europe International Journal of the Sociology of Language. 2005: 17-40 |
Extra G, Verhoeven LT. (1999) Bilingualism and migration Studies in Second Language Acquisition |
Extra G, Verhoeven LT. (1996) The cross-linguistic study of bilingual development Language. 72: 654 |