Monique Boekaerts

1980-1990 Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands 
 1991-2011 Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands 
"Monique Boekaerts"


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Lein Friedrich Wolfgang de Klerk grad student 1978 Tilburg University
 (Towards a theory of learning based on individual differences)
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Musso MF, Boekaerts M, Segers M, et al. (2019) Individual differences in basic cognitive processes and self-regulated learning: Their interaction effects on math performance Learning and Individual Differences. 71: 58-70
Smit K, Brabander CJd, Boekaerts M, et al. (2017) The self-regulation of motivation: Motivational strategies as mediator between motivational beliefs and engagement for learning International Journal of Educational Research. 82: 124-134
Boekaerts M. (2016) Engagement as an inherent aspect of the learning process Learning and Instruction. 43: 76-83
Boekaerts M, Musso M, Cascallar EC. (2012) Self-Regulated Learning and the Understanding of Complex Outcomes Education Research International. 2012: 1-2
Boekaerts M, Smit K, Busing F. (2012) Salient Goals Direct and Energise Students' Actions in the Classroom Applied Psychology. 61: 520-539
Nuland HJCV, Taris TW, Boekaerts M, et al. (2012) Testing the hierarchical SDT model: the case of performance-oriented classrooms European Journal of Psychology of Education. 27: 467-482
Minnaert A, Boekaerts M, Brabander Cd, et al. (2011) Students’ Experiences of Autonomy, Competence, Social Relatedness and Interest Within a CSCL Environment in Vocational Education: The Case of Commerce and Business Administration Vocations and Learning. 4: 175-190
Van Nuland HJ, Dusseldorp E, Martens RL, et al. (2010) Exploring the motivation jungle: predicting performance on a novel task by investigating constructs from different motivation perspectives in tandem. International Journal of Psychology : Journal International De Psychologie. 45: 250-9
Martens R, Brabander Cd, Rozendaal J, et al. (2010) Inducing mind sets in self‐regulated learning with motivational information Educational Studies. 36: 311-327
Boekaerts M, Rozendaal JS. (2010) Using Multiple Calibration Indices in Order to Capture the Complex Picture of What Affects Students' Accuracy of Feeling of Confidence. Learning and Instruction. 20: 372-382
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