Vuong Hung Truong
Affiliations: | Taipei Medical University |
Circadian rhythms, chronobiology, learning and decision making, computational modelling, emotions and mood, open science, science of scienceGoogle:
"Vuong Truong"Parents
Sign in to add mentorJihwan Myung | research assistant | 2023- | Taipei Medical University (Neurotree) |
Niall Duncan | grad student | 2017-2019 | Taipei Medical University |
Andreas Bartels | grad student | 2020-2023 | MPI for Biological Cybernetics (Neurotree) |
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Truong V, Cheng PZ, Lee HC, et al. (2020) Occipital gamma-aminobutyric acid and glutamate-glutamine alterations in major depressive disorder: An mrs study and meta-analysis. Psychiatry Research. Neuroimaging. 308: 111238 |
Truong V, Duncan NW. (2020) Suggestions for improving the visualization of magnetic resonance spectroscopy voxels and spectra. Royal Society Open Science. 7: 200600 |
Botvinik-Nezer R, Holzmeister F, Camerer CF, et al. (2020) Variability in the analysis of a single neuroimaging dataset by many teams. Nature |
Myung J, Wu MY, Lee CY, et al. (2019) The Kidney Clock Contributes to Timekeeping by the Master Circadian Clock. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 20 |