Ronald J. Prokopy, BSc, PhD

1975-2004 Department of Entomology University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Amherst, MA 
Rhagolets flies, pest management, insect behaviour
"Ronald Prokopy"

-BSc in agriculture from Cornell University in 1957
- PhD in entomology from Cornell University studying with George Gyrisco

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George G. Gyrisco grad student 1964 Cornell
 (Thesis: migratorybehaviour of the alfalfa weevil)
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Wright SE, Leskey TC, Jacome I, et al. (2012) Integration of insecticidal, phagostimulatory, and visual elements of an attract and kill system for apple maggot fly (Diptera: Tephritidae). Journal of Economic Entomology. 105: 1548-56
Piñero JC, Agnello AM, Tuttle A, et al. (2011) Effectiveness of odor-baited trap trees for plum curculio (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) monitoring in commercial apple orchards in the northeast. Journal of Economic Entomology. 104: 1613-21
Leskey TC, Piñero JC, Prokopy RJ. (2008) Odor-baited trap trees: a novel management tool for plum curculio (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Journal of Economic Entomology. 101: 1302-9
Prokopy RJ, Roitberg BD. (2001) Joining and avoidance behavior in nonsocial insects. Annual Review of Entomology. 46: 631-65
PROKOPY RJ, ROITBERG BD, VARGAS RI. (1994) Effects of egg load on finding and acceptance of host fruit in Ceratitis capitata flies Physiological Entomology. 19: 124-132
Papaj DR, Roitberg BD, Opp SB, et al. (1990) Effect of marking pheromone on clutch size in the Mediterranean fruit fly Physiological Entomology. 15: 463-468
Roitberg BD, Prokopy RJ. (1987) Insects That Mark Host Plants Bioscience. 37: 400-406
Roitberg BD, Prokopy RJ. (1984) Host visitation sequence as a determinant of search persistence in fruit parasitic tephritid flies. Oecologia. 62: 7-12
Roitberg BD, Cairl RS, Prokopy RJ. (1984) Oviposition deterring pheromone influences dispersal distance in tephritid fruit flies Entomologia Experimentalis Et Applicata. 35: 217-220
ROITBERG BD, PROKOPY RJ. (1983) Host deprivation influence on response of Rhagoletis pomonella to its oviposition deterring pheromone Physiological Entomology. 8: 69-72
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