Rebecca J. Dorsey

University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, United States 
Hydrology, Geology, Physical Geography
"Rebecca Dorsey"
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Chang Q, Hren MT, Lai LS, et al. (2023) Rapid topographic growth of the Taiwan orogen since ~1.3-1.5 Ma. Science Advances. 9: eade6415
Cohen A, Cassidy C, Crow R, et al. (2019) The Bouse Formation, a controversial Neogene archive of the evolving Colorado River: a scientific drilling workshop report (28 February–3 March 2019 – BlueWater Resort & Casino, Parker, AZ, USA) Scientific Drilling. 26: 59-67
Yen J, Lu C, Dorsey RJ, et al. (2019) Insights into Seismogenic Deformation during the 2018 Hualien, Taiwan, Earthquake Sequence from InSAR, GPS, and Modeling Seismological Research Letters. 90: 78-87
Dolby GA, Dorsey RJ, Graham MR. (2019) A legacy of geo‐climatic complexity and genetic divergence along the lower Colorado River: Insights from the geological record and 33 desert‐adapted animals Journal of Biogeography. 46: 2479-2505
Umhoefer PJ, Darin MH, Bennett SEK, et al. (2018) Breaching of strike-slip faults and successive flooding of pull-apart basins to form the Gulf of California seaway from ca. 8–6 Ma Geology. 46: 695-698
Dorsey RJ, O'Connell B, McDougall K, et al. (2018) Punctuated Sediment Discharge during Early Pliocene Birth of the Colorado River: Evidence from Regional Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, and Paleontology Sedimentary Geology. 363: 1-33
McNabb JC, Dorsey RJ, Housen BA, et al. (2017) Stratigraphic record of Pliocene-Pleistocene basin evolution and deformation within the Southern San Andreas Fault Zone, Mecca Hills, California Tectonophysics. 719: 66-85
Mason CC, Spotila JA, Axen G, et al. (2017) Two‐Phase Exhumation of the Santa Rosa Mountains: Low‐ and High‐Angle Normal Faulting During Initiation and Evolution of the Southern San Andreas Fault System Tectonics. 36: 2863-2881
Oskin ME, Longinotti NE, Peryam TC, et al. (2017) Steady 10Be-derived Paleoerosion Rates across the Plio-Pleistocene Climate Transition, Fish Creek-Vallecito Basin, California Journal of Geophysical Research. 122: 1653-1677
Bright J, Cohen AS, Dettman DL, et al. (2016) Did a catastrophic lake spillover integrate the late miocene early pliocene Colorado river and the Gulf of California?: Microfaunal and stable isotope evidence from Blythe basin, California-Arizona, USA Palaios. 31: 81-91
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