Sue Vartuli

Education University of Missouri - Kansas City, USA 
Technology of Education, Instructional Design Education, Higher Education Administration Education
"Sue Vartuli"
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Vartuli S, Snider K, Holley M. (2015) Making it Real: A Practice-Based Early Childhood Teacher Education Program Early Childhood Education Journal
Vartuli S, Bolz C, Wilson C. (2014) A learning combination: Coaching with CLASS and the project approach Early Childhood Research and Practice. 16
Vartuli S, Rohs J. (2009) Early childhood prospective teacher pedagogical belief shifts over time Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education. 30: 310-327
Vartuli S, Rohs J. (2009) Assurance of outcome evaluation: Curriculum fidelity Journal of Research in Childhood Education. 23: 502-512
Vartuli S, Rohs J. (2006) Conceptual organizers of early childhood curriculum content Early Childhood Education Journal. 33: 231-237
Vartuli S. (1999) How early childhood teacher beliefs vary across grade level Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 14: 489-514
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