Sonia Yeh, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2001 | Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA |
Environmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Public Health, Public AdministrationGoogle:
"Sonia Yeh"Cross-listing: MathTree - PHTree
Sign in to add mentorMitchell J. Small | grad student | 2001 | Carnegie Mellon | |
(Integrated assessment and uncertainty analysis of air pollution emission control and health impacts.) |
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Brown SPA, Brown MA, Madlener R, et al. (2020) The continuing evolution of . Energy Policy. 111459 |
Liao Y, Gil J, Pereira RHM, et al. (2020) Disparities in travel times between car and transit: Spatiotemporal patterns in cities. Scientific Reports. 10: 4056 |
Kumar A, Zapata C, Yeh S, et al. (2020) Effects of Low‐Carbon Energy Adoption on Airborne Particulate Matter Concentrations With Feedbacks to Future Climate Over California Journal of Geophysical Research. 125 |
Brown SPA, Brown MA, Madlener R, et al. (2019) Recent Developments at Energy Policy Energy Policy. 133: 110876 |
Teter J, Yeh S, Khanna M, et al. (2018) Water impacts of U.S. biofuels: Insights from an assessment combining economic and biophysical models. Plos One. 13: e0204298 |
Masnadi MS, El-Houjeiri HM, Schunack D, et al. (2018) Global carbon intensity of crude oil production. Science (New York, N.Y.). 361: 851-853 |
Zapata CB, Yang C, Yeh S, et al. (2018) Estimating criteria pollutant emissions using the California Regional Multisector Air Quality Emissions (CA-REMARQUE) model v1.0 Geoscientific Model Development. 11: 1293-1320 |
Zapata CB, Yang C, Yeh S, et al. (2018) Low-carbon energy generates public health savings in California Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 18: 4817-4830 |
Ramea K, Bunch DS, Yang C, et al. (2018) Integration of behavioral effects from vehicle choice models into long-term energy systems optimization models Energy Economics. 74: 663-676 |
Tattini J, Ramea K, Gargiulo M, et al. (2018) Improving the representation of modal choice into bottom-up optimization energy system models – The MoCho-TIMES model Applied Energy. 212: 265-282 |