Alina C. Cole, Ph.D.

2005 University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 
Environmental Engineering, Microbiology Biology
"Alina Cole"
Cross-listing: Microtree


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Michael J. Semmens grad student 2005 UMN
 (Characterization of membrane -aerated biofilms for wastewater treatment.)
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LaPara TM, Cole AC, Shanahan JW, et al. (2006) The effects of organic carbon, ammoniacal-nitrogen, and oxygen partial pressure on the stratification of membrane-aerated biofilms. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology. 33: 315-23
Shanahan JW, Cole AC, Semmens MJ, et al. (2005) Acetate and ammonium diffusivity in membrane-aerated biofilms: Improving model predictions using experimental results Water Science and Technology. 52: 121-126
Cole AC, Semmens MJ, LaPara TM. (2004) Stratification of activity and bacterial community structure in biofilms grown on membranes transferring oxygen. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 70: 1982-9
Cole AC, Shanahan JW, Semmens MJ, et al. (2002) Preliminary studies on the microbial community structure of membrane-aerated biofilms treating municipal wastewater Desalination. 146: 421-426
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