Melissa M. Schultz, Ph.D.

2005 Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 
Analytical Chemistry, Sanitary and Municipal Engineering
"Melissa Schultz"
Cross-listing: Chemistry Tree


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Douglas F. Barofsky grad student 2005 Oregon State (Chemistry Tree)
 (Determination of fluorinated alkyl substances in aqueous systems.)
Edward T Furlong post-doc 2006-2008 USGS denver (Chemistry Tree)
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Niemi LM, Stencel KA, Murphy MJ, et al. (2013) Quantitative determination of antidepressants and their select degradates by liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry in biosolids destined for land application. Analytical Chemistry. 85: 7279-86
Schultz MM, Bartell SE, Schoenfuss HL. (2012) Effects of triclosan and triclocarban, two ubiquitous environmental contaminants, on anatomy, physiology, and behavior of the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas). Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 63: 114-24
Schultz MM, Painter MM, Bartell SE, et al. (2011) Selective uptake and biological consequences of environmentally relevant antidepressant pharmaceutical exposures on male fathead minnows. Aquatic Toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 104: 38-47
Klein DR, Flannelly DF, Schultz MM. (2010) Quantitative determination of triclocarban in wastewater effluent by stir bar sorptive extraction and liquid desorption-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography. A. 1217: 1742-7
Schultz MM, Furlong ET, Kolpin DW, et al. (2010) Antidepressant pharmaceuticals in two U.S. effluent-impacted streams: occurrence and fate in water and sediment, and selective uptake in fish neural tissue. Environmental Science & Technology. 44: 1918-25
Painter MM, Buerkley MA, Julius ML, et al. (2009) Antidepressants at environmentally relevant concentrations affect predator avoidance behavior of larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry / Setac. 28: 2677-84
Schultz MM, Furlong ET. (2008) Trace analysis of antidepressant pharmaceuticals and their select degradates in aquatic matrixes by LC/ESI/MS/MS. Analytical Chemistry. 80: 1756-62
Schultz MM, Higgins CP, Huset CA, et al. (2006) Fluorochemical mass flows in a municipal wastewater treatment facility. Environmental Science & Technology. 40: 7350-7
Schultz MM, Barofsky DF, Field JA. (2006) Quantitative determination of fluorinated alkyl substances by large-volume-injection liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry-characterization of municipal wastewaters. Environmental Science & Technology. 40: 289-95
Schultz MM, Barofsky DF, Field JA. (2004) Quantitative determination of fluorotelomer sulfonates in groundwater by LC MS/MS. Environmental Science & Technology. 38: 1828-35
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