Katherine R. Grote, Ph.D.

2003 University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
Geophysics, Environmental Engineering
"Katherine Grote"
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Yoram Rubin grad student 2003 UC Berkeley
 (Estimation of soil water content for engineering and agricultural applications using ground penetrating radar.)
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Jabbar FK, Grote K. (2020) Evaluation of the predictive reliability of a new watershed health assessment method using the SWAT model. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 192: 224
Jabbar FK, Grote K, Tucker RE. (2019) A novel approach for assessing watershed susceptibility using weighted overlay and analytical hierarchy process (AHP) methodology: a case study in Eagle Creek Watershed, USA. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International
Jabbar FK, Grote K. (2018) Statistical assessment of nonpoint source pollution in agricultural watersheds in the Lower Grand River watershed, MO, USA. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International. 26: 1487-1506
Grote K, Anger C, Kelly B, et al. (2010) Characterization of soil water content variability and soil texture using GPR groundwave techniques Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. 15: 93-110
Grote K, Crist T, Nickel C. (2010) Experimental estimation of the GPR groundwave sampling depth Water Resources Research. 46
Grote K, Hubbard S, Harvey J, et al. (2005) Evaluation of infiltration in layered pavements using surface GPR reflection techniques Journal of Applied Geophysics. 57: 129-153
Grote K, Hubbard S, Rubin Y. (2003) Field-scale estimation of volumetric water content using ground-penetrating radar ground wave techniques Water Resources Research. 39
Hubbard S, Grote K, Rubin Y. (2002) Mapping the volumetric soil water content of a California vineyard using high-frequency GPR ground wave data The Leading Edge. 21: 552-559
Grote K, Hubbard S, Rubin Y. (2002) GPR monitoring of volumetric water content in soils applied to highway construction and maintenance The Leading Edge. 21: 482-504
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