Anna S. Cui, Ph.D.

2006 Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 
Marketing Business Administration
"Anna Cui"


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Roger J. Calantone grad student 2006 Michigan State
 (Joint venture termination: Failure or adaptation?)
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Cui AS, Xiao Y. (2019) The Role of Market and Technical Information Generation in New Product Development Journal of Product Innovation Management. 36: 305-330
Nakata C, Izberk-Bilgin E, Sharp L, et al. (2019) Chronic illness medication compliance: a liminal and contextual consumer journey Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 47: 192-215
Cui AS, Wu F. (2017) The Impact of Customer Involvement on New Product Development: Contingent and Substitutive Effects Journal of Product Innovation Management. 34: 60-80
Cui AS, Wu F. (2016) Utilizing customer knowledge in innovation: antecedents and impact of customer involvement on new product performance Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 44: 516-538
Spanjol J, Cui AS, Nakata C, et al. (2015) Co-Production of Prolonged, Complex, and Negative Services: An Examination of Medication Adherence in Chronically Ill Individuals Journal of Service Research. 18: 284-302
Zhang H, Wu F, Cui AS. (2015) Balancing market exploration and market exploitation in product innovation: A contingency perspective International Journal of Research in Marketing. 32: 297-308
Cui AS, Chan K, Calantone R. (2014) The learning zone in new product development Ieee Transactions On Engineering Management. 61: 690-701
Cui AS. (2013) Portfolio dynamics and alliance termination: The contingent role of resource dissimilarity Journal of Marketing. 77: 15-32
Cui AS, Kumar MVS. (2013) Advancing multilevel alliance research: Rejoinder to commentary on Cui and Kumar (2012) and Future Directions Journal of Business Research. 66: 662-664
Cui AS, O'Connor G. (2012) Alliance portfolio resource diversity and firm innovation Journal of Marketing. 76: 24-43
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