Vikram Kapoor, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2014 | Environmental Engineering | University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH |
Environmental Engineering, Microbiology BiologyGoogle:
"Vikram Kapoor"Cross-listing: Microtree
Sign in to add mentorDavid Wendell | grad student | 2014 | University of Cincinnati | |
(Integrated Analysis of Bacteroidales and Mitochondrial DNA for Fecal Source Tracking in Environmental Waters.) |
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Hinojosa J, Green J, Estrada F, et al. (2020) Determining the primary sources of fecal pollution using microbial source tracking assays combined with land-use information in the Edwards Aquifer. Water Research. 184: 116211 |
Tanvir Pasha ABM, Hinojosa J, Phan D, et al. (2020) Detection of human fecal pollution in environmental waters using human mitochondrial DNA and correlation with general and human-associated fecal genetic markers. Journal of Water and Health. 18: 8-18 |
Annavajhala MK, Kapoor V, Santo-Domingo J, et al. (2018) Comammox Functionality Identified in Diverse Engineered Biological Wastewater Treatment Systems. Environmental Science & Technology Letters. 5: 110-116 |
Annavajhala MK, Kapoor V, Santo-Domingo J, et al. (2018) Structural and Functional Interrogation of Selected Biological Nitrogen Removal Systems in the United States, Denmark, and Singapore Using Shotgun Metagenomics. Frontiers in Microbiology. 9: 2544 |
Kapoor V, Gupta I, Pasha ABMT, et al. (2018) Real-Time Quantitative PCR Measurements of Fecal Indicator Bacteria and Human-Associated Source Tracking Markers in a Texas River following Hurricane Harvey Environmental Science & Technology Letters. 5: 322-328 |
Kapoor V, Elk M, Li X, et al. (2016) Inhibitory effect of cyanide on wastewater nitrification determined using SOUR and RNA-based gene-specific assays. Letters in Applied Microbiology |
Li X, Kapoor V, Impelliteri C, et al. (2016) Measuring nitrification inhibition by metals in wastewater treatment systems: Current state of science and fundamental research needs Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 46: 249-289 |
Kapoor V, Li X, Chandran K, et al. (2015) Use of functional gene expression and respirometry to study wastewater nitrification activity after exposure to low doses of copper. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International |
Kapoor V, Pitkänen T, Ryu H, et al. (2015) Distribution of human-specific bacteroidales and fecal indicator bacteria in an urban watershed impacted by sewage pollution, determined using RNA- and DNA-based quantitative PCR assays. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 81: 91-9 |
Kapoor V, DeBry RW, Boccelli DL, et al. (2014) Sequencing human mitochondrial hypervariable region II as a molecular fingerprint for environmental waters. Environmental Science & Technology. 48: 10648-55 |