Iskra N. Fileva, Ph.D.

2008 Boston University, Boston, MA, United States 
"Iskra Fileva"


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Aaron Garrett grad student 2008 Boston University
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Fileva I, Tresan J. (2019) Metaethics and Mental Time Travel: a Reply to Gerrans and Kennett Philosophia. 47: 1457-1474
Fileva I, Brakel LAW. (2019) Just another article on Moore’s paradox, but we don’t believe that Synthese. 196: 5153-5167
Fileva I. (2018) What Does Belief Have to Do with Truth Philosophy. 93: 557-570
Fileva I, Tresan J. (2015) Will retributivism die and will neuroscience kill it Cognitive Systems Research. 34: 54-70
Fileva I. (2009) Kieran Setiya, Reasons Without Rationalism Journal of Value Inquiry. 43: 521-530
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