Mandy M. Michalsen, Ph.D.

2007 Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 
Environmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Microbiology Biology
"Mandy Michalsen"
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Jonathan D. Istok grad student 2007 Oregon State
 (Uranium and technetium bio-immobilization in intermediate-scale physical models of an in situ bio-barrier.)
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Michalsen MM, King AS, Istok JD, et al. (2019) Spatially-distinct redox conditions and degradation rates following field-scale bioaugmentation for RDX-contaminated groundwater remediation. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 387: 121529
Fuller ME, Hatzinger PB, Condee CW, et al. (2017) RDX degradation in bioaugmented model aquifer columns under aerobic and low oxygen conditions. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
Michalsen MM, King AS, Rule RA, et al. (2016) Evaluation of biostimulation and bioaugmentation to stimulate RDX degradation in an aerobic groundwater aquifer. Environmental Science & Technology
Crocker FH, Indest KJ, Jung CM, et al. (2015) Evaluation of microbial transport during aerobic bioaugmentation of an RDX-contaminated aquifer. Biodegradation. 26: 443-51
Fuller ME, Hatzinger PB, Condee CW, et al. (2015) Laboratory evaluation of bioaugmentation for aerobic treatment of RDX in groundwater. Biodegradation. 26: 77-89
Michalsen MM, Weiss R, King A, et al. (2013) Push-pull tests for estimating rdx and tnt degradation rates in groundwater Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation. 33: 61-68
Truex MJ, Macbeth TW, Vermeul VR, et al. (2011) Demonstration of combined zero-valent iron and electrical resistance heating for in situ trichloroethene remediation. Environmental Science & Technology. 45: 5346-51
Istok JD, Park M, Michalsen M, et al. (2010) A thermodynamically-based model for predicting microbial growth and community composition coupled to system geochemistry: Application to uranium bioreduction. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 112: 1-14
Michalsen MM, Peacock AD, Smithgal AN, et al. (2009) Treatment of nitric acid-, U(VI)-, and Tc(VII)-contaminated groundwater in intermediate-scale physical models of an in situ biobarrier. Environmental Science & Technology. 43: 1952-61
Michalsen MM, Peacock AD, Spain AM, et al. (2007) Changes in microbial community composition and geochemistry during uranium and technetium bioimmobilization. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 73: 5885-96
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