Meridith Burles, Ph.D.

2010 University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada 
Individual and Family Studies, Women's Studies
"Meridith Burles"


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Roanne Thomas-MacLean grad student 2010 University of Saskatchewan
 (Negotiating Serious Illness: Understanding Young Women's Experiences Through Photovoice.)
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Burles M, Thomas R. (2014) “I just don’t think there’s any other image that tells the story like [this] picture does”: Researcher and participant reflections on the use of participant-employed photography in social research International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 13: 185-205
Burles M, Holtslander L. (2013) "Cautiously optimistic that today will be another day with my disease under control": understanding women's lived experiences of ovarian cancer. Cancer Nursing. 36: 436-44
Burles M, Thomas R. (2013) 'But they're happening to you at the wrong time': Exploring young adult women's reflections on serious illness through photovoice Qualitative Social Work. 12: 671-688
Holtslander LF, Racine L, Furniss S, et al. (2012) Developing and piloting an online graduate nursing course focused on experiential learning of qualitative research methods. The Journal of Nursing Education. 51: 345-8
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