Rainer J. Hebert, Ph.D.

2003 University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI 
Materials Science Engineering, Metallurgy Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
"Rainer Hebert"


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John H. Perepezko grad student 2003 UW Madison
 (Deformation-induced synthesis of amorphous alloys.)
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Hung CJ, Nayak SK, Sun Y, et al. (2020) Novel Al-X alloys with improved hardness Materials & Design. 192: 108699
Sun Y, Hebert RJ, Aindow M. (2020) Effect of laser scan length on the microstructure of additively manufactured 17-4PH stainless steel thin-walled parts Additive Manufacturing. 35: 101302
Patel TA, Co K, Hebert RJ, et al. (2019) Ferroelectric films on metal substrates: The role of thermal expansion mismatch on dielectric, piezoelectric, and pyroelectric properties Journal of Applied Physics. 126: 134103
Nayak SK, Hung CJ, Hebert RJ, et al. (2019) Atomistic origins of Guinier-Preston zone formation and morphology in Al-Cu and Al-Ag alloys from first principles Scripta Materialia. 162: 235-240
Sun Y, Hung C, Hebert RJ, et al. (2019) Eutectic microstructures in dilute Al-Ce and Al-Co alloys Materials Characterization. 154: 269-276
Sun Y, Hebert RJ, Aindow M. (2018) Effect of heat treatments on microstructural evolution of additively manufactured and wrought 17-4PH stainless steel Materials & Design. 156: 429-440
Sun Y, Hebert RJ, Aindow M. (2018) Non-metallic inclusions in 17-4PH stainless steel parts produced by selective laser melting Materials & Design. 140: 153-162
Sun Y, Aindow M, Hebert RJ. (2018) Comparison of virgin Ti-6Al-4V powders for additive manufacturing Additive Manufacturing. 21: 544-555
Sun Y, Aindow M, Hebert RJ. (2017) The effect of recycling on the oxygen distribution in Ti-6Al-4V powder for additive manufacturing Materials At High Temperatures. 35: 217-224
Sun Y, Aindow M, Hebert RJ. (2017) Microstructural Study of the Heat-treated 17-4PH Stainless Steel Parts Prepared by Selective Laser Melting Microscopy and Microanalysis. 23: 2252-2253
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