Demosthenis Teneketzis

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 
Electronics and Electrical Engineering, System Science Engineering
"Demosthenis Teneketzis"

Teneketzis, Demosthenis Communication in decentralized control Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1980.

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Miehling E, Teneketzis D. (2020) Monotonicity properties for two-action partially observable Markov decision processes on partially ordered spaces European Journal of Operational Research. 282: 936-944
Rasouli M, Teneketzis D. (2019) An Efficient Market Design for Electricity Networks With Strategic Users Possessing Local Information Ieee Transactions On Control of Network Systems. 6: 1038-1049
Nayyar A, Teneketzis D. (2019) Common Knowledge and Sequential Team Problems Ieee Transactions On Automatic Control. 64: 5108-5115
Farhadi F, Golestani SJ, Teneketzis D. (2019) A Surrogate Optimization-Based Mechanism for Resource Allocation and Routing in Networks With Strategic Agents Ieee Transactions On Automatic Control. 64: 464-479
Farhadi F, Tavafoghi H, Teneketzis D, et al. (2019) An Efficient Dynamic Allocation Mechanism for Security in Networks of Interdependent Strategic Agents Dynamic Games and Applications. 9: 914-941
Miehling E, Rasouli M, Teneketzis D. (2018) A POMDP Approach to the Dynamic Defense of Large-Scale Cyber Networks Ieee Transactions On Information Forensics and Security. 13: 2490-2505
Tavafoghi H, Teneketzis D. (2017) Multidimensional Forward Contracts Under Uncertainty for Electricity Markets Ieee Transactions On Control of Network Systems. 4: 511-522
Ouyang Y, Tavafoghi H, Teneketzis D. (2017) Dynamic Games With Asymmetric Information: Common Information Based Perfect Bayesian Equilibria and Sequential Decomposition Ieee Transactions On Automatic Control. 62: 222-237
Nayyar A, Teneketzis D. (2015) Signaling in sensor networks for sequential detection Ieee Transactions On Control of Network Systems. 2: 36-46
Ouyang Y, Teneketzis D. (2015) Signaling for decentralized routing in a queueing network Annals of Operations Research
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