Scott E. Burghart, Ph.D.

2006 University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, United States 
Marine and Ocean Engineering
"Scott Burghart"


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Thomas L. Hopkins grad student 2006 University of South Florida
 (Micronektonic community composition and trophic structure within the bathypelagic zone in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico.)
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Burghart SE, Van Woudenberg L, Daniels CA, et al. (2014) Disparity between planktonic fish egg and larval communities as indicated by DNA barcoding Marine Ecology Progress Series. 503: 195-204
Burghart SE, Jones DL, Peebles EB. (2013) Variation in Estuarine Consumer Communities Along An Assembled Eutrophication Gradient: Implications for Trophic Instability Estuaries and Coasts. 36: 951-965
Locascio JV, Burghart S, Mann DA. (2012) Quantitative and temporal relationships of egg production and sound production by black drum Pogonias cromis. Journal of Fish Biology. 81: 1175-91
Tolley SG, Brosious BM, Evans JT, et al. (2012) Freshwater inflow effects on larval fish and crab settlement onto oyster reefs Journal of Shellfish Research. 31: 895-908
Burghart SE, Hopkins TL, Torres JJ. (2010) Partitioning of food resources in bathypelagic micronekton in the eastern Gulf of Mexico Marine Ecology Progress Series. 399: 131-140
Lester KM, Heil CA, Neely MB, et al. (2008) Zooplankton and Karenia brevis in the Gulf of Mexico Continental Shelf Research. 28: 99-111
Burghart SE, Hopkins TL, Torres JJ. (2007) The bathypelagic Decapoda, Lophogastrida, and Mysida of the eastern Gulf of Mexico Marine Biology. 152: 315-327
Peebles EB, Burghart SE, Hollander DJ. (2007) Causes of interestuarine variability in bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli) salinity at capture Estuaries and Coasts. 30: 1060-1074
Burghart SE, Hopkins TL, Vargo GA, et al. (1999) Effects of a rapidly receding ice edge on the abundance, age structure and feeding of three dominant calanoid copepods in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica Polar Biology. 22: 279-288
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