Mark E. Dolan
Affiliations: | Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR |
Environmental Engineering, Microbiology Biology, Molecular BiologyGoogle:
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Saini G, Nasholm N, Dolan ME, et al. (2011) Application of salting-out agent to enhance the hydrophobicity of weakly hydrophobic bacterial strains Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. 25: 2169-2182 |
Lee JH, Dolan M, Field J, et al. (2010) Monitoring bioaugmenation with single-well push-pull tests in sediment systems contaminated with trichloroethene. Environmental Science & Technology. 44: 1085-92 |
Radniecki TS, Semprini L, Dolan ME. (2009) Expression of merA, trxA, amoA, and hao in continuously cultured Nitrosomonas europaea cells exposed to cadmium sulfate additions. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 104: 1004-11 |
Semprini L, Dolan ME, Hopkins GD, et al. (2009) Bioaugmentation with butane-utilizing microorganisms to promote in situ cometabolic treatment of 1,1,1-trichloroethane and 1,1-dichloroethene. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 103: 157-67 |
Radniecki TS, Semprini L, Dolan ME. (2009) Expression of merA, amoA and hao in continuously cultured Nitrosomonas europaea cells exposed to zinc chloride additions. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 102: 546-53 |
Azizian MF, Behrens S, Sabalowsky A, et al. (2008) Continuous-flow column study of reductive dehalogenation of PCE upon bioaugmentation with the Evanite enrichment culture. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 100: 11-21 |
Taylor AE, Dolan ME, Bottomley PJ, et al. (2007) Utilization of fluoroethene as a surrogate for aerobic vinyl chloride transformation. Environmental Science & Technology. 41: 6378-83 |
Semprini L, Dolan ME, Mathias MA, et al. (2007) Bioaugmentation of butane-utilizing microorganisms for the in situ cometabolic treatment of 1,1-dichloroethene, 1,1-dichloroethane, and 1,1,1-trichloroethane European Journal of Soil Biology. 43: 322-327 |
Semprini L, Dolan ME, Mathias MA, et al. (2007) Laboratory, field, and modeling studies of bioaugmentation of butane-utilizing microorganisms for the in situ cometabolic treatment of 1,1-dichloroethene, 1,1-dichloroethane, and 1,1,1-trichloroethane Advances in Water Resources. 30: 1528-1546 |
Ennis E, Reed R, Dolan M, et al. (2005) Reductive dechlorination of the vinyl chloride surrogate chlorofluoroethene in TCE-contaminated groundwater. Environmental Science & Technology. 39: 6777-85 |