Rudolf K. Potucek, Ph.D.

2004 University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada 
Materials Science Engineering, Inorganic Chemistry
"Rudolf Potucek"
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Viola Ingrid Birss grad student 2004 University of Calgary
 (A study of the protective properties of oxide films formed at reactive aluminum-copper and aluminum-beryllium alloys.)
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Potucek RK, Sumar A, Vanýsek P, et al. (2007) Data correction technique for using common electrochemical apparatus for the measurement of crystal impedance Electrochimica Acta. 52: 8031-8038
Potucek RK, Rateick RG, Birss VI. (2006) Erratum: Impedance Characterization of Anodic Barrier Al Oxide Film Beneath Porous Oxide Layer [J. Electrochem. Soc., 153, B304 (2006)] Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 153: L27
Potucek RK, Rateick RG, Birss VI. (2006) Impedance Characterization of Anodic Barrier Al Oxide Film Beneath Porous Oxide Layer Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 153: B304
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