Jose V. Camacho

Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha (Spain) 
Environmental Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Sciences
"Jose Camacho"
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Camacho JV, Marchante CMF, Romero LR. (2018) Analysis of a photobioreactor scaling up for tertiary wastewater treatment: denitrification, phosphorus removal, and microalgae production. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 25: 29279-29286
Fernández EL, Merlo EM, Mayor LR, et al. (2016) Kinetic modelling of a diesel-polluted clayey soil bioremediation process. The Science of the Total Environment. 557: 276-84
Kebria DY, Taghizadeh M, Camacho JV, et al. (2016) Remediation of PCE contaminated clay soil by coupling electrokinetics with zero-valent iron permeable reactive barrier Environmental Earth Sciences. 75: 699
Ramírez EM, Camacho JV, Rodrigo MA, et al. (2015) Combination of bioremediation and electrokinetics for the in-situ treatment of diesel polluted soil: A comparison of strategies Science of the Total Environment. 533: 307-316
Meynet P, Moliterni E, Davenport RJ, et al. (2014) Predicting the effects of biochar on volatile petroleum hydrocarbon biodegradation and emanation from soil: A bacterial community finger-print analysis inferred modelling approach Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 68: 20-30
Ramírez EM, Jiménez CS, Camacho JV, et al. (2014) Feasibility Of Coupling Permeable Bio-Barriers And Electrokinetics For The Treatment Of Diesel Hydrocarbons Polluted Soils Electrochimica Acta
Mayor LR, Camacho JV, Morales FJF. (2004) Operational Optimisation of Pilot Scale Biological Nutrient Removal at the Ciudad Real (Spain) Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant Water Air and Soil Pollution. 152: 279-296
De Lucas Martínez A, Cañizares Cañizares P, Mayor LR, et al. (2001) Short-term effects of wastewater biodegradability on biological phosphorus removal Journal of Environmental Engineering. 127: 259-265
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