
Desiree Tullos

Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 
Water Resource Management, Environmental Engineering
"Desiree Tullos"
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Tullos D, Walter C, Vache K. (2020) Reservoir Operational Performance Subject to Climate and Management Changes in the Willamette River Basin, Oregon Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 146: 5020021
Tullos D. (2018) Opinion: How to achieve better flood-risk governance in the United States. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 115: 3731-3734
Wang HW, Kondolf M, Tullos D, et al. (2018) Sediment Management in Taiwan's Reservoirs and Barriers to Implementation Water. 10: 1034-1034
Jain SK, Mani P, Jain SK, et al. (2018) A Brief review of flood forecasting techniques and their applications International Journal of River Basin Management. 16: 329-344
Jaeger WK, Amos A, Bigelow DP, et al. (2017) Finding water scarcity amid abundance using human-natural system models. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Danner AG, Safeeq M, Grant GE, et al. (2017) Scenario-Based and Scenario-Neutral Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Operational Performance of a Multipurpose Reservoir† Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 53: 1467-1482
Mateus C, Tullos D. (2017) Reliability, sensitivity, and uncertainty of reservoir performance under climate variability in basins with different hydrogeologic settings in Northwestern United States International Journal of River Basin Management. 15: 21-37
Mateus MC, Tullos D. (2017) Reliability, Sensitivity, and Vulnerability of Reservoir Operations under Climate Change Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 143: 4016085
Friberg N, Harrison L, O'Hare M, et al. (2017) Restoring rivers and floodplains: Hydrology and sediments as drivers of change Ecohydrology. 10
Dimri AP, Thayyen RJ, Kibler K, et al. (2016) A review of atmospheric and land surface processes with emphasis on flood generation in the Southern Himalayan rivers. The Science of the Total Environment. 556: 98-115
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