K.J Reimer
Affiliations: | Royal Military College of Canada (Canada) |
Environmental Engineering, Mining EngineeringGoogle:
"K.J Reimer"Cross-listing: E-Tree
Sign in to add traineeLouise Meunier | grad student | 2011 | Royal Military College of Canada (Canada) |
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Button M, Koch I, Watts MJ, et al. (2020) Arsenic speciation in the bracket fungus Fomitopsis betulina from contaminated and pristine sites. Environmental Geochemistry and Health |
Taylor V, Goodale B, Raab A, et al. (2016) Human exposure to organic arsenic species from seafood. The Science of the Total Environment |
Nearing MM, Koch I, Reimer KJ. (2016) Uptake and transformation of arsenic during the reproductive life stage of Agaricus bisporus and Agaricus campestris. Journal of Environmental Sciences (China). 49: 140-149 |
Brown TM, Fisk AT, Wang X, et al. (2016) Mercury and cadmium in ringed seals in the Canadian Arctic: Influence of location and diet. The Science of the Total Environment. 545: 503-511 |
Zhang J, Koch I, Gibson LA, et al. (2015) Transcriptomic responses during early development following arsenic exposure in Western clawed frogs, Silurana tropicalis. Toxicological Sciences : An Official Journal of the Society of Toxicology |
Schaller J, Koch I, Caumette G, et al. (2015) Strategies of Gammarus pulex L. to cope with arsenic - Results from speciation analyses by IC-ICP-MS and XAS micro-mapping Science of the Total Environment. 530: 430-433 |
Koch I, Zhang J, Button M, et al. (2015) Arsenic(+3) and DNA methyltransferases, and arsenic speciation in tadpole and frog life stages of western clawed frogs (Silurana tropicalis) exposed to arsenate. Metallomics : Integrated Biometal Science. 7: 1274-84 |
Brown TM, Iverson SJ, Fisk AT, et al. (2015) Local contamination, and not feeding preferences, explains elevated PCB concentrations in Labrador ringed seals (Pusa hispida). The Science of the Total Environment. 515: 188-97 |
Nearing MM, Koch I, Reimer KJ. (2015) Uptake and transformation of arsenic during the vegetative life stage of terrestrial fungi Environmental Pollution. 197: 108-115 |
Braune B, Chételat J, Amyot M, et al. (2015) Mercury in the marine environment of the Canadian Arctic: review of recent findings. The Science of the Total Environment. 509: 67-90 |