Guoxi Nie

2011-2016 Fudan university, Shanghai, Shanghai Shi, China 
"Guoxi Nie"
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Nie G, Huang J, Huang JP. (2016) Melting-Freezing Transition of Monolayer Water Confined by Phosphorene Plates. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B
Nie GX, Tian WJ, Huang JP, et al. (2016) Alternating-current relaxation of a rotating metallic particle Chinese Physics B. 25
Nie GX, Wang Y, Huang JP. (2016) Shape effect of nanochannels on water mobility Frontiers of Physics. 11
Nie G, Wang Y, Huang J. (2015) Role of confinement in water solidification under electric fields Frontiers of Physics. 10
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