Pascale Bertrand

CEA France 
"Pascale Bertrand"
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Leriche M, Bonnet C, Jana J, et al. (2023) 53BP1 interacts with the RNA primer from Okazaki fragments to support their processing during unperturbed DNA replication. Cell Reports. 42: 113412
Rass E, Willaume S, Bertrand P. (2022) 53BP1: Keeping It under Control, Even at a Distance from DNA Damage. Genes. 13
Schellenbauer A, Guilly MN, Grall R, et al. (2021) Phospho-Ku70 induced by DNA damage interacts with RNA Pol II and promotes the formation of phospho-53BP1 foci to ensure optimal cNHEJ. Nucleic Acids Research. 49: 11728-11745
Etourneaud L, Moussa A, Rass E, et al. (2021) Lamin B1 sequesters 53BP1 to control its recruitment to DNA damage. Science Advances. 7
Willaume S, Rass E, Fontanilla-Ramirez P, et al. (2021) A Link between Replicative Stress, Lamin Proteins, and Inflammation. Genes. 12
Taty-Taty GC, Chailleux C, Quaranta M, et al. (2015) Control of alternative end joining by the chromatin remodeler p400 ATPase. Nucleic Acids Research
Grabarz A, Guirouilh-Barbat J, Barascu A, et al. (2013) A role for BLM in double-strand break repair pathway choice: prevention of CtIP/Mre11-mediated alternative nonhomologous end-joining. Cell Reports. 5: 21-8
Rass E, Grabarz A, Plo I, et al. (2009) Role of Mre11 in chromosomal nonhomologous end joining in mammalian cells. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. 16: 819-24
Delacôte F, Deriano L, Lambert S, et al. (2007) Chronic exposure to sublethal doses of radiation mimetic Zeocin selects for clones deficient in homologous recombination. Mutation Research. 615: 125-33
Guipaud O, Guillonneau F, Labas V, et al. (2006) An in vitro enzymatic assay coupled to proteomics analysis reveals a new DNA processing activity for Ewing sarcoma and TAF(II)68 proteins. Proteomics. 6: 5962-72
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