Vikas Shedge

2003-2009 Agronomy and Horticulture The University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 
"Vikas Shedge"


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Sally A. Mackenzie grad student 2003-2009 University of Nebraska - Lincoln
 (Investigating mitochondrial genome recombination and the effects of its destabilization on plant growth and development.)
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Shao MR, Shedge V, Kundariya H, et al. (2016) Ws-2 Introgression in a Proportion of Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0 Stock Seed Produces Specific Phenotypes and Highlights the Importance of Routine Genetic Verification. The Plant Cell
Virdi KS, Laurie JD, Xu YZ, et al. (2015) Arabidopsis MSH1 mutation alters the epigenome and produces heritable changes in plant growth. Nature Communications. 6: 6386
Davila JI, Arrieta-Montiel MP, Wamboldt Y, et al. (2011) Double-strand break repair processes drive evolution of the mitochondrial genome in Arabidopsis. Bmc Biology. 9: 64
Shedge V, Davila J, Arrieta-Montiel MP, et al. (2010) Extensive rearrangement of the Arabidopsis mitochondrial genome elicits cellular conditions for thermotolerance. Plant Physiology. 152: 1960-70
Arrieta-Montiel MP, Shedge V, Davila J, et al. (2009) Diversity of the Arabidopsis mitochondrial genome occurs via nuclear-controlled recombination activity. Genetics. 183: 1261-8
Shedge V, Arrieta-Montiel M, Christensen AC, et al. (2007) Plant mitochondrial recombination surveillance requires unusual RecA and MutS homologs. The Plant Cell. 19: 1251-64
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