Robert Reynolds Caldwell

Physics and Astronomy Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, United States 
"Robert Reynolds Caldwell"


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Bruce Allen grad student 1992 UW-Milwaukee (Physics Tree)
 (Cosmic string cosmology.)


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Peng P. Yu grad student 2007 Dartmouth
Scott F. Daniel grad student 2009 Dartmouth
Leonardo Motta grad student 2012 Dartmouth
Jannis Bielefeld grad student 2015 Dartmouth
Chris Devulder grad student 2018 Dartmouth
Dhrubo Jyoti grad student 2018 Dartmouth
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Capparelli LM, Caldwell RR, Melchiorri A. (2020) Cosmic birefringence test of the Hubble tension Physical Review D. 101
Smith TL, Caldwell RR. (2019) LISA for cosmologists: Calculating the signal-to-noise ratio for stochastic and deterministic sources Physical Review D. 100
Caldwell R, Devulder C. (2019) Gravitational wave opacity from gauge field dark energy Physical Review D. 100
Caldwell RR, Smith TL, Walker DG. (2019) Using a primordial gravitational wave background to illuminate new physics Physical Review D. 100
Jyoti D, Muñoz JB, Caldwell RR, et al. (2019) Cosmic time slip: Testing gravity on supergalactic scales with strong-lensing time delays Physical Review D. 100: 43031
Jimenez R, Maartens R, Khalifeh AR, et al. (2019) Measuring the homogeneity of the universe using polarization drift Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 2019: 048-048
Caldwell R, Devulder C. (2018) Axion gauge field inflation and gravitational leptogenesis: A lower bound on B modes from the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the Universe Physical Review D. 97
Caldwell RR, Devulder C, Maksimova NA. (2017) Gravitational wave–gauge field dynamics International Journal of Modern Physics D. 26: 1742005
Smith TL, Caldwell R. (2017) Sensitivity to a frequency-dependent circular polarization in an isotropic stochastic gravitational wave background Physical Review D. 95
Caldwell R. (2016) Cosmic parity violation due to a flavor-space locked gauge field International Journal of Modern Physics D. 25: 1640011
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