Lauren M. Abbate, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2009 | Epidemiology | University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC |
Epidemiology, Nutrition, Public HealthGoogle:
"Lauren Abbate"Cross-listing: PHTree
Sign in to add mentorJune Stevens | grad student | 2009 | UNC Chapel Hill | |
(Associations of obesity and weight change with onset and progression of radiographic knee osteoarthritis.) |
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Barrow DR, Abbate LM, Paquette MR, et al. (2019) Exercise prescription for weight management in obese adults at risk for osteoarthritis: synthesis from a systematic review. Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders. 20: 610 |
Brostow DP, Warsavage TJ, Abbate LM, et al. (2019) Mental illness and obesity among Veterans undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: Insights from the VA CART program. Clinical Obesity. e12300 |
Arbeeva L, Cleveland R, Alvarez C, et al. (2018) The effect of body mass index change on increased Kellgren-Lawrence grade in knee: a joint modeling approach Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 26: S208-S209 |
Cleveland R, Arbeeva L, Abbate L, et al. (2018) The association of body mass index gain, loss and maintenance with the development of knee osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 26: S199 |
Abbate LM, Stevens J, Schwartz TA, et al. (2006) Anthropometric measures, body composition, body fat distribution, and knee osteoarthritis in women. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). 14: 1274-81 |