Sherri L. McMullen, Ph.D.

2012 Nursing State University of New York, Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, United States 
"Sherri McMullen"


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Mary G. Carey grad student 2012 SUNY Buffalo
 (Transitioning the premature infant from nonsupine to supine position prior to hospital discharge: Exploring current practice and examining clinical outcomes.)
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Carey MG, McMullen SL. (2020) The Value of Using an Acuity Score for Neonatal Nursing Research. The Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing. 34: 352-356
McMullen SL, Fioravanti ID, Brown K, et al. (2016) Safe Sleep for Hospitalized Infants. McN. the American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing. 41: 43-50
McMullen SL, Carey MG. (2014) Predicting transition to the supine sleep position in preterm infants. Ans. Advances in Nursing Science. 37: 350-6
McMullen SL, Wu YW, Austin-Ketch T, et al. (2014) Transitioning the premature infant from nonsupine to supine position prior to hospital discharge. Neonatal Network : Nn. 33: 194-8
McMullen SL. (2013) Transitioning premature infants supine: state of the science. McN. the American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing. 38: 8-12; quiz 13-4
McMullen SL, Lipke B, LeMura C. (2009) Sudden infant death syndrome prevention: a model program for NICUs. Neonatal Network : Nn. 28: 7-12
Aris C, Stevens TP, Lemura C, et al. (2006) NICU nurses' knowledge and discharge teaching related to infant sleep position and risk of SIDS. Advances in Neonatal Care : Official Journal of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses. 6: 281-94
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