Rebecca J. Heick, Ph.D.

2006 University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 
Occupational Health and Safety, Public Health, Criminology and Penology
"Rebecca Heick"
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Corinne Peek-Asa grad student 2006 University of Iowa
 (Occupational injury in EMS: Does risk outweigh reward?)
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Tiesman HM, Heick R. (2015) Research in Brief: Motor Vehicle Safety for Law Enforcement Officers-Still a Priority. The Police Chief. 82: 22-23
Tiesman HM, Heick RJ, Konda S, et al. (2015) Law enforcement officers' risk perceptions toward on-duty motor-vehicle events. Policing (Bradford, England). 38: 563-577
Heick R, Young T, Peek-Asa C. (2009) Occupational injuries among emergency medical service providers in the United States. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine / American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 51: 963-8
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