Phyllis J. Wenthe, Ph.D.

2007 University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 
Health Education, Gender Studies
"Phyllis Wenthe"


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Kathleen F. Janz grad student 2007 University of Iowa
 (The predisposing, reinforcing, and enabling factors associated with physical activity and sedentary behavior in males and females during early adolescence.)
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Morrissey JL, Wenthe PJ, Letuchy EM, et al. (2012) Specific types of family support and adolescent non-school physical activity levels. Pediatric Exercise Science. 24: 333-46
Morrissey JL, Wenthe PJ, Janz KF, et al. (2011) Family Matters: Specific Type(s) of Family Support in Adolescent Physical Activity Levels Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 43: 910
Wenthe PJ, Janz KF, Levy SM. (2009) Gender similarities and differences in factors associated with adolescent moderate-vigorous physical activity. Pediatric Exercise Science. 21: 291-304
Janz KF, Lutuchy EM, Wenthe P, et al. (2008) Measuring activity in children and adolescents using self-report: PAQ-C and PAQ-A. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 40: 767-72
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