Janne G. Cannon

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 
Microbiology Biology
"Janne Cannon"
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Hamrick TS, Dempsey JA, Cohen MS, et al. (2001) Antigenic variation of gonococcal pilin expression in vivo: analysis of the strain FA1090 pilin repertoire and identification of the pilS gene copies recombining with pilE during experimental human infection. Microbiology (Reading, England). 147: 839-49
Johnston DM, Cannon JG. (1999) Construction of mutant strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae lacking new antibiotic resistance markers using a two gene cassette with positive and negative selection. Gene. 236: 179-84
Johannsen DB, Johnston DM, Koymen HO, et al. (1999) A Neisseria gonorrhoeae immunoglobulin A1 protease mutant is infectious in the human challenge model of urethral infection. Infection and Immunity. 67: 3009-13
Cohen MS, Cannon JG. (1999) Human experimentation with Neisseria gonorrhoeae: progress and goals. The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 179: S375-9
Hobbs MM, Malorny B, Prasad P, et al. (1998) Recombinational reassortment among opa genes from ET-37 complex Neisseria meningitidis isolates of diverse geographical origins. Microbiology (Reading, England). 144: 157-66
Dempsey JA, Wallace AB, Cannon JG. (1995) The physical map of the chromosome of a serogroup A strain of Neisseria meningitidis shows complex rearrangements relative to the chromosomes of the two mapped strains of the closely related species N. gonorrhoeae. Journal of Bacteriology. 177: 6390-400
Barkocy-Gallagher GA, Cannon JG, Bassford PJ. (1994) Thirty-three amino acids of the mature moiety of an unprocessed maltose-binding protein are sufficient for export in Escherichia coli. Journal of Bacteriology. 176: 3397-9
Jerse AE, Cohen MS, Drown PM, et al. (1994) Multiple gonococcal opacity proteins are expressed during experimental urethral infection in the male. The Journal of Experimental Medicine. 179: 911-20
Seifert HS, Wright CJ, Jerse AE, et al. (1994) Multiple gonococcal pilin antigenic variants are produced during experimental human infections. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 93: 2744-9
Hobbs MM, Seiler A, Achtman M, et al. (1994) Microevolution within a clonal population of pathogenic bacteria: recombination, gene duplication and horizontal genetic exchange in the opa gene family of Neisseria meningitidis. Molecular Microbiology. 12: 171-80
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