Steven A. Haas, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2004 | University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI |
Demography, Public HealthGoogle:
"Steven Haas"Cross-listing: PHTree
Sign in to add mentorAlberto B. Palloni | grad student | 2004 | UW Madison | |
(From the cradle to the grave: Health and socioeconomic status over the life course.) | ||||
Karen Swallen | grad student | 2004 | UW Madison (SocTree) |
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Ramirez D, Haas SA. (2022) Windows of Vulnerability: Consequences of Exposure Timing during the Dutch Hunger Winter. Population and Development Review. 48: 959-989 |
Ramirez D, Haas SA. (2021) The Long Arm of Conflict: How Timing Shapes the Impact of Childhood Exposure to War. Demography |
Farmer HR, Wray LA, Haas SA. (2020) Race, gender, and socioeconomic variations in C-reactive protein using the Health and Retirement Study. The Journals of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences |
Oi K, Haas S. (2020) Cardiometabolic Risk and Cognitive Decline: The Role of Socioeconomic Status in Childhood and Adulthood. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 60: 326-343 |
Haas SA, Oi K. (2018) The developmental origins of health and disease in international perspective. Social Science & Medicine (1982). 213: 123-133 |
Haas SA, Oi K, Zhou Z. (2017) The Life Course, Cohort Dynamics, and International Differences in Aging Trajectories. Demography |
Bishop NJ, Eggum-Wilkens ND, Haas SA, et al. (2016) Estimating the Co-Development of Cognitive Decline and Physical Mobility Limitations in Older U.S. Adults. Demography |
Haas SA, Schaefer DR. (2014) With a Little Help from My Friends? Asymmetrical Social Influence on Adolescent Smoking Initiation and Cessation. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 55: 126-143 |
Warren JR, Knies L, Haas S, et al. (2012) The impact of childhood sickness on adult socioeconomic outcomes: evidence from late 19th century America. Social Science & Medicine (1982). 75: 1531-8 |
Schaefer DR, Haas SA, Bishop NJ. (2012) A dynamic model of US adolescents' smoking and friendship networks. American Journal of Public Health. 102: e12-8 |