Beatriz S. Novak, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2010 | University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI |
"Beatriz Novak"Parents
Sign in to add mentorAlberto B. Palloni | grad student | 2010 | UW Madison | |
(Obesity and survival awareness.) |
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Novak B, Hernández Flores JA. (2024) A year and a half into the pandemic in Mexico: evidence of differences in COVID-19 mortality between Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations continues to accumulate. Alternative (Auckland, N.Z. : 2005). 18: 613-624 |
Palloni A, Novak B. (2020) Subjective Survival Expectations and Observed Survival: How Consistent Are They? Vienna Yearbook of Population Research. 14: 187-227 |
Monteverde M, Novak B. (2020) Obesidad y Esperanza de Vida en México Obesity and life expectancy in Mexico. Poblacion Y Salud En Mesoamerica. 6 |
Novak B, Lozano-Keymolen D. (2016) Subjective longevity in Latin America: the cases of Chile and Mexico Papeles De Poblacion. 22: 79-108 |
Palloni A, Beltrán-Sánchez H, Novak B, et al. (2015) Adult obesity, disease and longevity in Mexico. Salud PúBlica De MéXico. 57: S22-30 |
Palloni A, Novak B, Pinto-Aguirre G. (2015) The Enduring Effects of Smoking in Latin America American Journal of Public Health. 105: 1246-1253 |
Monteverde M, Noronha K, Palloni A, et al. (2010) Obesity and Excess Mortality Among the Elderly in the United States and Mexico Demography. 47: 79-96 |