Philip C. Roth, Ph.D.

2005 University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI 
Computer Science
"Philip Roth"


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Barton Miller grad student 2005 UW Madison
 (Scalable on -line automated performance diagnosis.)
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Xie W, Chen Y, Roth PC. (2018) Exploiting Internal Parallelism for Address Translation in Solid-State Drives Acm Transactions On Storage. 14: 32
Roth PC, Huck K, Gopalakrishnan G, et al. (2017) Using Deep Learning for Automated Communication Pattern Characterization: Little Steps and Big Challenges Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 11027: 265-272
Chen J, Roth PC, Chen Y. (2013) Using pattern-models to guide SSD deployment for Big Data applications in HPC systems Proceedings - 2013 Ieee International Conference On Big Data, Big Data 2013. 332-337
Chen Y, Zhu H, Roth PC, et al. (2011) Global-aware and multi-order context-based prefetching for high-performance processors International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications. 25: 355-370
Danalis A, Marin G, McCurdy C, et al. (2010) The Scalable Heterogeneous Computing (SHOC) benchmark suite International Conference On Architectural Support For Programming Languages and Operating Systems - Asplos. 63-74
Vetter JS, Tipparaju V, Yu W, et al. (2009) HPC interconnection networks: The key to exascale computing Advances in Parallel Computing. 18: 95-106
De Supinski BR, Alam S, Bailey DH, et al. (2009) Modeling the Office of Science ten year facilities plan: The PERI Architecture Tiger Team Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 180
Vetter JS, Alam SR, Dunigan TH, et al. (2006) Early evaluation of the cray XT3 20th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, Ipdps 2006. 2006
Alam SR, Barrett RF, Kuehn JA, et al. (2006) Characterization of scientific workloads on systems with multi-core processors Proceedings of the 2006 Ieee International Symposium On Workload Characterization, Iiswc - 2006. 225-236
Roth PC, Miller BP. (2006) On-line automated performance diagnosis on thousands of processes Proceedings of the Acm Sigplan Symposium On Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, Ppopp. 2006: 69-80
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