Vivek Gulati, Ph.D.

2004 Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, United States 
Electronics and Electrical Engineering
"Vivek Gulati"


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Krishna R. Narayanan grad student 2004 Texas A & M
 (Concatenated codes for the multiple-input multiple-output quasi -static fading channel.)
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Ryu B, Zhang Z, Tang D, et al. (2007) A coding-based routing for scalable MANET Proceedings - Ieee Military Communications Conference Milcom
Veerubhotla RS, Saxena A, Gulati VP, et al. (2005) Gossip codes for fingerprinting: Construction, erasure analysis and pirate tracing Journal of Universal Computer Science. 11: 122-149
Veerubhotla RS, Saxena A, Gulati VP, et al. (2004) On gossip codes and traceability schemes International Conference On Information Technology: Coding Computing, Itcc. 1: 772-777
Gulati V, Narayanan KR. (2003) Concatenated codes for fading channels based on recursive space - Time trellis codes Ieee Transactions On Wireless Communications. 2: 118-128
Lee HN, Gulati V. (2002) Iterative equalization/decoding of LDPC code transmitted over MIMO fading ISI channels Ieee International Symposium On Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Pimrc. 3: 1330-1336
Gulati V, Narayanan KR. (2002) Concatenated space-time codes for quasi-static fading channels: Constrained capacity and code design Conference Record / Ieee Global Telecommunications Conference. 2: 1202-1206
Veerubhotla RS, Saxena A, Gulati VP. (2002) Reed Solomon codes for digital fingerprinting Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 2551: 163-175
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