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Yuval Grossman

Physics Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States 
Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Theory Physics
"Yuval Grossman"

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Grossman Y, Passemar E, Schacht S. (2020) On the statistical treatment of the Cabibbo angle anomaly Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020: 1-13
Grossman Y, Schacht S. (2019) U -spin sum rules for CP asymmetries of three-body charmed baryon decays Physical Review D. 99
Kou E, Urquijo P, Altmannshofer W, et al. (2019) The Belle II Physics Book Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics. 2019
Grossman Y, Schacht S. (2019) The emergence of the ΔU = 0 rule in charm physics Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019
Grossman Y, Harnik R, Telem O, et al. (2019) Self-Destructing Dark Matter Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019
Grossman Y, Tanedo P. (2018) Just a Taste: Lectures on Flavor Physics Arxiv: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology. 109-295
Aloni D, Grossman Y, Soffer A. (2018) Measuring CP violation in b→cτ−ν¯τ using excited charm mesons Physical Review D. 98: 35022
Durieux G, Grossman Y. (2017) Another piece of the puzzle Nature Physics. 13: 322-322
Aloni D, Efrati A, Grossman Y, et al. (2017) Y and ψ leptonic decays as probes of solutions to the R(D (*)) puzzle Journal of High Energy Physics. 2017
Durieux G, Grossman Y, König M, et al. (2016) Rare Z decays and neutrino flavor universality Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 93
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