Erik M. Volz, Ph.D.

2006 Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States 
"Erik Volz"


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Douglas D. Heckathorn grad student 2006 Cornell
 (Topology and dynamics of complex social networks.)
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Didelot X, Franceschi V, Frost SDW, et al. (2023) Model design for nonparametric phylodynamic inference and applications to pathogen surveillance. Virus Evolution. 9: vead028
Nascimento FF, Ragonnet-Cronin M, Golubchik T, et al. (2022) Evaluating whole HIV-1 genome sequence for estimation of incidence and migration in a rural South African community. Wellcome Open Research. 7: 174
Dennis AM, Frost SDW, Enders K, et al. (2021) HIV-1 Transmission linkages among persons with incident infection to inform public health surveillance. Eclinicalmedicine. 37: 100968
Thompson HA, Imai N, Dighe A, et al. (2020) SARS-CoV-2 infection prevalence on repatriation flights from Wuhan City, China. Journal of Travel Medicine
Didelot X, Siveroni I, Volz EM. (2020) Additive uncorrelated relaxed clock models for the dating of genomic epidemiology phylogenies. Molecular Biology and Evolution
Verity R, Okell LC, Dorigatti I, et al. (2020) Estimates of the severity of coronavirus disease 2019: a model-based analysis. The Lancet. Infectious Diseases
Volz EM, Wiuf C, Grad YH, et al. (2020) Identification of hidden population structure in time-scaled phylogenies. Systematic Biology
Nascimento FF, Baral S, Geidelberg L, et al. (2019) Phylodynamic analysis of HIV-1 subtypes B, C and CRF 02_AG in Senegal. Epidemics. 100376
Li Y, Liu H, Ramadhani HO, et al. (2019) Genetic Clustering Analysis for HIV Infection among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Nigeria: implications for intervention. Aids (London, England)
Le Vu S, Ratmann O, Delpech V, et al. (2019) HIV-1 transmission patterns in men who have sex with men: insights from genetic source attribution analysis. Aids Research and Human Retroviruses
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