Laurence J. Fuortes
Affiliations: | Occupational and Environmental Health | University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA |
Occupational Health and Safety, Epidemiology, Public HealthGoogle:
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Tadevosyan A, Mikulski MA, Baber Wallis A, et al. (2019) Open Fire Ovens and Effects of In-home Lavash Bread Baking on Carbon Monoxide Exposure and Carboxyhemoglobin Levels among Women in Rural Armenia. Indoor Air |
Mikulski MA, Wichman MD, Simmons DL, et al. (2018) Toxic metals in ayurvedic preparations from a public health lead poisoning cluster investigation. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health. 1-6 |
Sanyang E, Butler-Dawson J, Mikulski MA, et al. (2016) Environmental and occupational health needs assessment in West Africa: opportunities for research and training. International Journal of Public Health |
Mikulski MA, Gerke AK, Newell JD, et al. (2016) Lower limit of normal based spirometric abnormalities associated with radiographic abnormality in an elderly cohort at low risk for exposure. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health. 1-7 |
Chan KS, Jiao F, Mikulski MA, et al. (2016) Novel Logistic Regression Model of Chest CT Attenuation Coefficient Distributions for the Automated Detection of Abnormal (Emphysema or ILD) Versus Normal Lung. Academic Radiology |
Breeher L, Mikulski MA, Czeczok T, et al. (2015) A cluster of lead poisoning among consumers of Ayurvedic medicine. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health. 21: 303-7 |
Mikulski MA, Gerke AK, Lourens S, et al. (2013) Agreement between fixed-ratio and lower limit of normal spirometry interpretation protocols decreases with age: is there a need for a new GOLD standard? Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine / American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 55: 802-8 |
Lozier MJ, Montoya JF, Del Rosario A, et al. (2013) Personal air sampling and risks of inhalation exposure during atrazine application in Honduras. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. 86: 479-88 |
Mikulski MA, Hartley PG, Sprince NL, et al. (2011) Risk and significance of chest radiograph and pulmonary function abnormalities in an elderly cohort of former nuclear weapons workers. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine / American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 53: 1046-53 |
Mikulski MA, Leonard SA, Sanderson WT, et al. (2011) Risk of beryllium sensitization in a low-exposed former nuclear weapons cohort from the Cold War era. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 54: 194-204 |