Peter E. Rivard, Ph.D.

2006 Boston College, Newton, MA, United States 
Organizational, Health Care Management
"Peter Rivard"


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William R. Torbert grad student 2006 Boston College
 (Change agency and a culture of patient safety at Veterans Administration hospitals.)
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Martelli PF, Rivard PE, Roberts KH. (2018) Caveats for high reliability in healthcare. Journal of Health Organization and Management. 32: 674-690
Mull HJ, Itani KMF, Pizer SD, et al. (2018) Development of an Adverse Event Surveillance Model for Outpatient Surgery in the Veterans Health Administration. Health Services Research
Mull HJ, Itani KMF, Charns MP, et al. (2018) The Nature and Severity of Adverse Events in Select Outpatient Surgical Procedures in the Veterans Health Administration. Quality Management in Health Care. 27: 136-144
Shin MH, Rivard PE, Shwartz M, et al. (2018) Tailoring an educational program on the AHRQ Patient Safety Indicators to meet stakeholder needs: lessons learned in the VA. Bmc Health Services Research. 18: 114
Mull HJ, Rosen AK, Charns MP, et al. (2017) Identifying Risks and Opportunities in Outpatient Surgical Patient Safety: A Qualitative Analysis of Veterans Health Administration Staff Perceptions. Journal of Patient Safety
Mull HJ, Rivard PE, Legler A, et al. (2017) Comparing definitions of outpatient surgery: Implications for quality measurement. American Journal of Surgery
Mull HJ, Rosen AK, Rivard PE, et al. (2016) Defining Outpatient Surgery: Perspectives of Surgical Staff in the Veterans Health Administration. The American Surgeon. 82: 1142-1145
Sullivan JL, Rivard PE, Shin MH, et al. (2016) Applying the High Reliability Health Care Maturity Model to Assess Hospital Performance: A VA Case Study. Joint Commission Journal On Quality and Patient Safety / Joint Commission Resources. 42: 389-411
Chen Q, Shin MH, Chan JA, et al. (2014) Partnering With VA Stakeholders to Develop a Comprehensive Patient Safety Data Display: Lessons Learned From the Field. American Journal of Medical Quality : the Official Journal of the American College of Medical Quality
Shin MH, Sullivan JL, Rosen AK, et al. (2014) Examining the validity of AHRQ's patient safety indicators (PSIs): is variation in PSI composite score related to hospital organizational factors? Medical Care Research and Review : McRr. 71: 599-618
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