Jason Evans, PhD

Vinson School of Government University of Georgia, Athens, Athens, GA, United States 
biofuels, energy, sustainability
"Jason Evans"
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Volder A, Gifford RM, Evans JR. (2015) Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations, clipping regimen and differential day/night atmospheric warming on tissue nitrogen concentrations of a perennial pasture grass. Aob Plants
Fletcher RJ, Robertson BA, Evans J, et al. (2011) Biodiversity conservation in the era of biofuels: Risks and opportunities Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 9: 161-168
Heffernan JB, Liebowitz DM, Frazer TK, et al. (2010) Algal blooms and the nitrogen-enrichment hypothesis in Florida springs: evidence, alternatives, and adaptive management. Ecological Applications : a Publication of the Ecological Society of America. 20: 816-29
Evans JM, Cohen MJ. (2009) Regional water resource implications of bioethanol production in the Southeastern United States Global Change Biology. 15: 2261-2273
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